ICTA 2025 - Tuesday Session 1
9:00 AM* – Welcome and Housekeeping
9:10 AM* - President's Welcome
PRESENTER: Mark Mayfield - President ICTA, Program Chairperson
9:15 AM* – Cinema Foundation Update
PRESENTER: Bryan Braunlich - The Cinema Foundation
9:30 AM* - Sponsorship Recognition
9:40 AM* - Integrating Software Systems
A discussion about the challenges of the disparate POS systems in a cinema entertainment center and getting all the systems to work together. What are the best ways to integrate? How does redemption work in the mix?
MODERATOR: Carrie Dietrich
PRESENTERS: Jennifer Cox - Redemption Plus, Kevin Greer - Theater Toolkit, Josh Wegener - The Tuna Group, Wayne Scarsella - Toast Inc., Cathy Huis in 't veld-Esser - EDCF
10:00 AM* - Membership Presentations
10:15 AM* - End of Session 1
*All times are Pacific